Types of Burn Injuries in Maryland: Common Examples

types of burn injuries

The WHO has documented some key facts about several types of burn injuries. First, although burns are preventable, they are also responsible for about 180,000 deaths every year. Again, non-fatal burns are a leading cause of morbidity, occurring mostly at home and the workplace. Sometimes, burn accidents are due to someone else’s negligence, and you’ll […]

Personal Injury Cases: Pre-Trial and Trial

personal injury personal injury

A personal injury case arises from injuries caused by another person’s negligence. It covers wounds and losses suffered in car accidents, dog bites, truck accidents, medical negligence cases, etc. If you find yourself involved in a personal injury lawsuit, it is prudent to know what to expect at different stages of the case. You need […]

Why You Should Not Represent Yourself in a Personal Injury Claim

personal injury pinder plotkin

When people have legal issues, the first move is usually to get a lawyer to represent them. However, you can represent yourself in court if you think you can do a good job. For example, you may know how the legal system works and think you can represent yourself adequately. On the other hand, you […]

What Are the Common Defenses to Negligence in Maryland?

defenses to negligence concept

Defenses to Negligence could show up in several personal injury cases. As everyone who has ever been involved in a personal injury case knows, negligence is the bedrock of most claims. When a negligent person does an act that breaches an existing duty of care and causes harm to another person, they will compensate the […]

What Can I Do If I Was Left Disfigured After A Burn Accident?


We’ve all burned ourselves, maybe by spilling our morning coffee or touching a hot dish right out the oven. There’s no one we can blame but ourselves and our injuries can often be treated using items from our medicine cabinet. In a week or so, we forget all about the incident. Unfortunately, some people sustain […]

Defenses for Property Owners in Slip and Fall Cases

Mature Man Falling On Wet Floor In Front Of Caution Sign At Home

If you slip and fall on someone else’s property, you can be sure that they will say it’s not their fault. Whether you were at a friend’s home, a big shopping mall or, your rented apartment, the story will be the same. Of course, simply saying “it’s not my fault” won’t hold up in a […]

Property Owner’s Duties in a Slip and Fall Case

duty property owner slip and fall case

Slip and fall accidents are common. In many cases, the victims are responsible since they were careless or even engaging in horseplay. However, in other situations, a property owner’s negligence contributes to the incident and a property owner can be held liable. People who fall can suffer soft tissue injuries, sprains, concussions, bone fractures and […]

Common Causes of Burn Injuries

things that can lead to burn injury

When you think about the types of cases personal injury lawyers handle, you may think of car accidents or falls. However, burn injuries can also result in personal injury claims and lawsuits. Everyone has received a small burn at home that didn’t require treatment and didn’t result from anyone’s negligence. However, every day, Americans suffer […]

How Much is My Burn Injury Claim Worth?

Burn Injury Claim

Americans suffer more than a million burn injuries annually that require medical treatment. Most of these injuries don’t result in personal injury claims or lawsuits. Either the burns aren’t particularly serious or the people who were injured were at fault for the incident. However, around 40,000 burn injuries require hospitalization and in many cases, they […]

Why Should I Hire a Burn Injury Attorney?

Why Should I Hire a Burn Injury Attorney?

Burn injuries can be excruciating for victims. Depending on how severe the injury is, victims can be left with physical, emotional, and mental trauma. In the most serious cases, victims have long, painful recovery periods during which they can’t earn an income. They may face a lifetime of treatment, therapy, and rehab or multiple surgical […]

What Are the Main Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents?

causes of slip and fall accidents featured

Maryland slip and fall accident attorneys have seen it many times, a very simple accident that can cause very serious injuries. These mishaps send about one million people to the emergency room each year. While some falls only cause bruises or broken bones, some are fatal. An estimated 15 percent of all accidental deaths in […]

Prove Someone Else Was Responsible for My Burn Injuries

burn injuries-compensation

Burn injuries are way more common than they may seem. In the United States, more than one million people seek medical treatment for burn injuries each year. Most burn injuries don’t result in legal action. Many occur at home and the injured person is responsible for their own burn injuries. Other times, even though someone […]

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