When you think about the types of cases personal injury lawyers handle, you may think of car accidents or falls. However, burn injuries can also result in personal injury claims and lawsuits. Everyone has received a small burn at home that didn’t require treatment and didn’t result from anyone’s negligence. However, every day, Americans suffer burn injuries that require medical treatment or even hospitalization. Very often, they result from someone else’s negligence. The victims often turn to Maryland burn injury lawyers to help them recover compensation.

Let’s look at some of the most common causes of burn injuries.

Car Accidents

Car accidents result in a wide range of injuries. In addition to cuts, bruises, and broken bones, victims can also suffer burn injuries. That’s because gasoline can ignite on impact and cause a vehicle to burst into flames. If the victim doesn’t get out of the vehicle in time, they can get catastrophic injuries.


People can get scalded in a variety of settings including restaurants, spas, daycare centers, and nursing homes. Adults can be burned with hot water but often victims of scalding injuries are babies or young children. A caregiver may bathe them in water that’s too hot or they may leave a kettle within their reach. Hot or boiling water can result in very serious injuries as well as disfigurement. Compensation for these types of injuries is often high.

Building Fires

No one wants to be in a building that’s on fire. In addition to burn injuries to the skin, victims can also suffer from smoke inhalation. Whether you were in an apartment, hotel or store that caught on fire, you may be able to get compensation. Your burn injury lawyer in Maryland will help you to identify the at-fault party and pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against them. The person responsible may be your landlord, a building owner or a business. The entity may not have lit the fire, but their negligence may have caused your injuries in some way.

Electric Shock

Electric shock is most likely to happen on work sites. Not only people in the electrical field but those in construction, refrigeration, and HVAC are vulnerable. However, you can also get shocked in your own home because of faulty wiring or a defective product. Electric shock usually results in serious injuries and in the most severe cases, it leads to death. Survivors often need long-term treatment for their injuries, and they may have to take lots of time off work. You’ll need an attorney to help you make a strong case.

Chemical Spills and Other Accidents

Chemical burns can result from spills, defective products, and leaks. They often occur in workplaces or factories. Cleaning products, bleach, and corrosive products can be dangerous. If you suffer a chemical burn, you may be entitled to several types of compensation. These include medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.

Why You Need an Experienced Burn Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered a burn injury, you need to hire a competent attorney. Getting compensation for serious injuries can be quite difficult. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident, you may have to pursue multiple parties for damages. It won’t be as simple as filing one insurance claim and getting the amount you ask for. In some cases, you may have to seek compensation from a government entity and this comes with particular rules and requirements. The only way to ensure you get the financial compensation you need to move on with your life is to contact an experienced attorney.

Contact Pinder Plotkin LLC to Discuss Your Case Today

Regardless of how you got injured, we can help you as long as someone else was at fault. When you contact us, we’ll investigate the case and determine whether there is negligence involved. We’ll gather evidence to support your claim and advise you about all the options available to you. At Pinder Plotkin LLC, our Maryland burn injury attorneys will answer all your questions and take some of the burden off your shoulders.

Burn injuries often require long-term treatment and you shouldn’t have to worry about legal matters during this time. While you focus on your recovery, we’ll handle the insurance companies, attorneys and courts, if necessary. Call us today to schedule a free consultation during which we will listen to the facts of your case. We’ll provide you with an expert opinion and if you decide to hire us, we’ll work on a contingency basis.

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