Rear-end collisions are among the most common types of accidents across the United States. If your vehicle gets struck from behind, its unlikely to be your fault. However, it’s not always easy to get compensation for injuries suffered in this way. What you do after the crash could have a significant impact on your ability to recover damages. While your Baltimore car accident attorney will play a major role in helping to secure the best possible outcome, there’s a lot you can do to help yourself. We’ll outline what you need to do below.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Victims of rear-end collisions can suffer anything from whiplash to traumatic brain injuries. If your injuries appear serious, you’ll likely stay at the scene and wait on the ambulance. In some cases, you simply won’t have a choice. However, sometimes victims leave the scene because they assume that they would know immediately if they were injured.

If you’re in shock or you’ve received certain types of injuries, you may not notice symptoms right away. However, you should still go to the doctor immediately to see if they detect any problems. Not only does this help to ensure that you get prompt treatment, but it creates a link between your injuries and the accident. You’ll need to show you sought medical attention in a timely manner if you want to get compensation for your injuries. You’ll also need to present a medical report to support your claim for damages.

Call the Local Police

Another document you will need to support your claim is a police report. Even if you think your injuries and the damage to your vehicle are minor, you should still contact the local police. Their report will include details of the crash, weather conditions, and possibly an opinion on who was at fault. The contact details and insurance information for the other driver should also be included. In addition, if the other driver was cited or charged for a traffic offense or crime, the report will reflect it. This information will help to establish liability.

Collect Evidence at the Scene

Your ability to do this will depend on how serious your injuries are. If you can, take lots of pictures before anything at the scene is cleared away. Get as many angles as possible of all the vehicles involved and make sure you capture the license plates. You should also try to take photos of the road conditions as well as any evidence of weather conditions.

Skid marks and debris may also prove to be important pieces of evidence. If liability is in question, these photos could support your account of events. If necessary, your Ellicott City car accident lawyer will hire an accident scene reconstruction professional to assist. Another thing you can do to help your case is get contact information from any willing eyewitnesses.

Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company and that of the Other Driver

You must tell your insurance company about the accident. If you expect to get compensation from the other driver’s insurer, you also need to inform them. However, you shouldn’t provide too much information without first speaking to an attorney. The insurance adjuster may seem friendly but they’re trying to limit the amount their employer has to pay you. If they can find a reason to deny your claim, they’ll do just that.

However, since the accident is unlikely to have been your fault, the other driver will be presumed negligent. In a clear-cut case, the insurance company may offer you a quick, low settlement. Don’t accept it without seeking legal guidance. It’s likely to be a lot less than you deserve. Your attorney will advise you as to what is considered fair based on your losses and they will negotiate on your behalf. Many accident victims find the assistance of an attorney to be invaluable in this regard.

Contact the Ellicott City Car Accident Attorneys at Pinder Plotkin LLC

It usually seems pretty obvious who is at-fault in a rear-end collision. However, these cases aren’t always straightforward, especially if the victim suffers serious injuries. If you settle for a paltry sum, you’ll be left to handle many expenses and losses on your own. Talk to an Ellicott City car accident attorney at our firm today and learn more about how having legal representation can make a big difference. Your first consultation is free, and we won’t charge you until we get compensation for you.

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