When you decide to get on a motorcycle that someone else is driving, you trust them to operate the vehicle safely. Given how serious motorcycle accidents can be, you probably wouldn’t ride with someone you don’t trust. However, even a simple mistake or a poorly thought out decision could put you in danger.

Fortunately, there are ways in which you can seek compensation if you suffer injuries and other losses. However, you’ll need to consult an Ellicott City motorcycle accident lawyer for advice and representation. Given how much your life can change because of a crash, you need to ensure you’re compensated fairly.

Motorcycle accidents can result in catastrophic injuries because bikers and their passengers have very little to protect them from other vehicles. Many victims suffer broken bones, head injuries, and internal damage. If you were injured in a crash, you can file a personal injury claim or lawsuit to recover your losses.

You’ll first need to identify who was responsible for the accident. It could be the rider of the motorcycle you were on. Maybe they ignored a stop sign and collided with another vehicle. The at-fault party could also be the driver of another vehicle involved in the crash. They may have changed lanes suddenly without checking their mirrors.

Sometimes, multiple parties play a role in a motorcycle crash. If so, your Ellicott City motorcycle accident lawyer may advise you to file claims against all of them. This could include the person who was in control of the motorcycle on which you were a passenger. In any case, you will need to prove that someone acted negligently.

Insurance Claims vs Personal Injury Lawsuits

Regardless of who was responsible for the accident, you can file a claim with their insurer or file a lawsuit. In many cases, victims sue the at-fault party but attempt a settlement with the insurer out of court. Out-of-court settlements are typically in the best interests of both parties and going all the way to trial is usually a last resort. However, you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of each option with help from your attorney.

If you file an insurance claim, you can be sure that the company will try to get out of paying you. If they don’t deny the claim outright, they’ll offer you a low settlement that may not cover the full value of your losses. The insurance company may argue that their client wasn’t responsible for the crash. They may also question whether your injuries are as serious as you claim or if you were even injured in the way you say.

Given how serious the injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident can be, your lawyer may advise you to file a lawsuit. If you have brain damage, long-term disability or disfigurement as a result of the crash, suing the at-fault party will show that you’re serious about getting compensation. However, you can still agree to a settlement before the case gets to the trial stage or even before the jury returns a judgment. It’s important to note that while lawsuits can result in larger settlements, they are costly and time-consuming. It’s also impossible to predict how a jury will decide.

The Importance of the Statute of Limitations

You don’t have an unlimited period within which to file a lawsuit. Typically, victims in Maryland only have three years within which to file a personal injury lawsuit. There are some exceptions, but you shouldn’t let a long time pass without contacting a lawyer. Even if you’re not sure that you want to see the inside of a courtroom, it’s best to seek prompt legal advice. That way, you’ll learn about your options and how the statute applies to your situation. If you wait too late to contact a lawyer, you may discover that time has run out. Alternatively, you may find it difficult to find an attorney who’s willing to take your case at the last minute.

Contact Pinder Plotkin LLC Today to Discuss Your Case

Passengers can and do get compensation following motorcycle accidents. They often do so with the help of a motorcycle accident lawyer in Ellicott City. If you want to get compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and more, schedule a free consultation with an attorney at Pinder Plotkin LLC. We know how difficult it can be when you’re dealing with injuries caused by someone else’s actions. Don’t try to handle this situation on your own. Call us and get assistance from experts.

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