If you were injured in the course of work or you developed an occupational disease, attorneys in Ellicott City would advise you to take certain steps. No doubt, you saw a doctor, reported your condition to your employer, and filed a workers’ compensation claim. If your claim was successful, you’re probably receiving benefits that cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses.

In a best-case scenario, you’ll be able to return to work soon. However, if your injury or illness is likely to prevent you from working for months or years, you may be wondering if you will able to get ongoing benefits.

The amount you get and how long you can get it are determined by the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission. However, things don’t always go according to plan. Sometimes employers and insurance companies don’t want you to get the full benefits that you’re due. In such a case, you would have to hire attorneys in Ellicott City to help you get the compensation you need and deserve. Let’s look at some of the things you need to know about getting benefits in Baltimore.

Who Can Get Workers’ Comp Benefits in Ellicott City

Not every injury that occurs at work qualifies for workers’ comp benefits. Under Maryland’s laws, the injury must:

  • Result from an accident
  • Arise in the course of employment.
  • Arise out of the course of employment

Occupational illnesses like repetitive strain injuries don’t arise from a single accident such as a fall or fire. However, they are also compensable. However, you must be able to prove they occurred because of your job duties.

You also need to be an employee of the business. If you are a contractor or you provide services in any capacity other than being an official employee, you won’t be able to get benefits. If you experience any challenges in proving your eligibility, an attorney in Ellicott City for workers’ compensation can advise you and represent you if necessary.

Types of Benefits You Can Claim

The benefits you can get will depend heavily on the nature of your injuries. However, workers can typically claim:

  • Medical benefits. These cover tests, surgery, medication, hospitalization, and all other medical costs.
  • Lost wages. If you have to miss more than a couple days of work because of your injuries, you should receive benefits.
  • Temporary disability. If you are deemed partially or totally disabled for a short time, you can be compensated for this.
  • Permanent disability. If you can’t carry out your duties as usual because of either total or partial disability, you would be eligible for this type of benefit.
  • Death and funeral. If your injury or illness becomes so serious that you pass away as a result, your survivors can get help.

In many cases, you would get two-thirds of your average weekly wages but there are exceptions. If you’re uncertain about the benefits you should receive, your attorney can explain it all to you.

Duration of Workers’ Comp Benefits

Once you have started getting workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland, you will get them until you recover. For some people, this means they receive benefits until they can return to work. However, each situation is different and the severity of your injury or illness will be a determining factor. If you reach the point where you’ve recovered as much as you ever will, you may get a lump sum settlement instead of periodic payments. This applies if you no longer need treatment or you’re not expected to recover anytime soon.

In the unfortunate event of your death, your family can get compensation for a minimum of five years and a maximum of 12 years. Children receive payments up to the age of 18 or the age of 23 if they are enrolled in school full-time. Typically, your survivors will get two-thirds of your average weekly wage and up to $7,000 for reasonable funeral and burial expenses.

Contact Pinder Plotkin LLC to Learn More About Workers’ Comp Benefits from Attorneys in Ellicott City

If you’re finding it difficult to understand the workers’ comp benefits to which you’re entitled, reach out to our workers’ comp attorneys in Ellicott City. We’re also here to help if your employer is challenging your claim so there’s no need to try to handle your situation alone. Contact us for a consultation so you can benefit from our expert advice. If you hire us, we’ll do everything we can to help you. Call us today!

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